“Here are a few of my musings - hope they inspire your writing!”
A Literary Device …
Next time someone asks in a sarcastic way, why you are ‘always on your device?!’ you can tell them this. And for the purposes of this discussion, I am counting my iPhone and iPad as one device. The phone provides the hotspot for the iPad when I am away from Wi-Fi. I know, I’ve already lost some of you. That’s okay - you’ll catch up.
Self-promotion or self-delusion?
As it got closer to the time when my book-launch is planned, I went looking for a book distributor. They all said, ‘can you send us your sales and marketing plan, and also your publicity plan’.
I’m sorry, what? My what?
Image and self-image
Recently, I had some facial re-construction. No, not a facelift, but removal of some squamous cells from my nose. I overheard someone ask my husband if it bothered me having a disfiguration on my face. I laughed, and said by the time you get to my age you get over the visible signs of aging and learn to love the roadmap of your life shown front and centre. Anyway, I'd rather have a speed bump and a crater on my nose than some cancerous cells playing havoc under my skin.
Clothes Maketh the Wo(man)
In my new novel, due out soon - (see that? A little heads up!) one of my characters wears an interesting selection of clothes. The reason for this is lack of money, but also because for her, what she wears is not as important as who she is.
The Waiting Game
Recently, I sent a manuscript to two publishers. One wrote on their website that I would have to wait two weeks to find if they were interested in pursuing the manuscript further. However, the email that acknowledged receipt said it would be four weeks or more. I've heard nothing since then.
Changing the Narrative
Recently I had my manuscript assessed. Fortunately, it was well received, and plenty of positive comments were made. But as this is an assessment, suggestions made to improve the novel. To make it better.
There’s no such thing as a co-incidence
Let me tell you a story. A story of co-incidences …
Co-operation and Democracy
Recently we watched for a second time the movie-documentary ‘I AM’. Tom Shadyac, director of such movies as ‘Nutty Professor’ and ‘Ace Ventura’, had an accident which caused brain damage. After nine months of excruciating disability, he was ready to die. Life was no longer worth living. But before he went, he wanted to find out - ‘what’s wrong with the world?’. G K Chesterton was aked to write an essay on the same subject. He wrote ‘I AM’.
Compassion and tolerance
It’s quite enlightening what you learn about yourself in this lockdown. I saw a quote the other day. It said ‘I always promised myself I would clean the house when I had the time. Now I know that wasn’t the reason’. That applied to me
Making a Plan
In week 2 of lockdown, I found myself shuffling around mid-morning, still in my trackies and slippers, and not actually doing much. Picking up, putting down, not achieving anything.
Dream for the future
So, we are (hopefully) half way through lockdown. Not so different to what I was doing before.
The times, they are a-changin’
Today, our choir had to make a difficult but necessary decision.
Finding your voice
Many a beginning author will read over what they have written, and cringe at the structure.
Writing daily
I envy writers who not only have the time to write all day, but also the fortitude.