A few short stories for your day.

Jenni Francis Jenni Francis

The Gift

“What am I going to do?” Chloe wails. “I can’t go to my own party by myself.”

“Ask Shane. I don’t mind. You’re more than welcome.”

“Thank you, that’s cool! And can I wear your silver glitter top too?”

“I .. I suppose so. Alright,” I say.

“And in exchange you could take Pippi.”

“Pippi! You can’t do that!”

“Yeah, I can. I can do whatever I want. Anyway, she’s a drag.”

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Jenni Francis Jenni Francis

Butterflies and Bumblebees

Sophie climbed into the back seat of the car and scowled. On the seat beside her was a pair of new pink dance shoes. Big ones.

“What’s your problem?” Mum asked.


“Yes, there is. It’s about the end of year concert, isn’t it?”

“Does she have to be in it?” Sophie wailed. “It’s so embarrassing.”

“Listen, Pet, just because she’s older doesn’t mean she can’t try new things. The concert will be fine, you’ll see”

Sophie pushed the offending shoes onto the floor, slumped back on the seat and didn’t speak all the way home.

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Jenni Francis Jenni Francis

Scarlet Ribbons

The song came on the radio as she drove to work. Hairs stood up on the back of her neck and tingled down her legs as she drove through the Hill Street intersection and it had nothing to do with the traffic at this notorious trouble spot. The words of the song came back to her as easily as reciting the times tables.

I peeked in to say goodnight

And there I saw my child in prayer.

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