“Writing is my passion. Over the past six years, I’ve written more than a dozen books, with more on the way. Every day I write is a day well spent! I have been able to draw on my background as a teacher in my writing for children and young adults, and now I’m branching out into writing for a more mature audience. My books are available in print and e-book - why not read one today. Stay tuned for more coming soon.”
“Join me on my journey and meet some of the characters I’ve created. Click the icon below to follow me on Facebook.”
Jenni Francis - writer
A young woman leaves England to travel to New Zealand when she discovers she is pregnant.
With red hair and fair skin, Chloe stands out for all the wrong reasons at her new school. Especially as she also finds it difficult to talk to others outside her family.
It's hard enough when your parents separate, but when they form new relationships, everything changes again.
Jordan is deaf. He's been deaf all his life. It doesn't stop him doing anything he wants to do, and he's really good at doing a lot of things. It's just who he is.
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Many of my books are also available as e-books - purchase today from your favourite online retailer.