Finding your voice

Many a beginning author will read over what they have written, and cringe at the structure. "Why can't I write like so-and-so", they think. Me too. Then one day I picked up a novel by my favourite comfort author - a book or series of books that you turn to when you really just want something familiar. Mine is Dick Francis. Dick Francis. I'm not even into horse racing, but I love his easy style. In the end, over six months, I read all his books (over 30!) and when I went to start writing again, my 'voice' developed.

I've read some books recently by authors who are able to change the style of 'voice' to suit the novel. John Boyne A History of loneliness, has written many novels and each that I have read has been like reading a different author. Another is Chris Cleave. Everyone Brave is Forgiven.

Gail Honeyman's debut novel is utterly unique Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine and I will be very excited to see what she comes up with next. Will she have a similar 'voice' in the next novel?

I know my 'voice' will stay the same - but then, I know that's what some readers look for, so I will probably become a comfort author!


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