Dream for the future

So, we are (hopefully) half way through lockdown. Not so different to what I was doing before. Walk dog, coffee, pilates (on zoom), a bit of singing (couch choir and virtual choir) writing in the afternoon, followed by a swim (it’s getting colder!) walk the dog again, prepare dinner, watch TV, read a book, sleep and repeat.

I don’t mind my own company. There’s always something to do, but what I have noticed is that I miss smiling, happy faces. My old man is not what you would call a smiley person, although we do laugh easily together, thank goodness. But the mum sharing our space for this trying time, is the most unsmiling, negative person I have ever lived with.

So the plan is to lead by example. Be extra happy, extra nice, more polite, show more respect than ever before. It’s no point fighting the negativity. Especially as we have to pick the causes we are fighting for. We have one major issue on which we will not compromise. It is our house and our lives after all. But everything else we can work around.

After two weeks, I think we are winning the battle. There is an easing of tensions. I know, it can’t be easy being old and being uplifted to a place you don’t want to be, but we are all in this together. In the end, I think we will come out of this stronger than before. I’m not just talking about my own little bubble here - me, my hubby, the mum and the dog. I’m hopeful we will ALL come out of this changed in some way. That’s my dream.


Making a Plan


The times, they are a-changin’